are required to participate extensively in literature research
and discussions.
Students will be expected to:
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read required readings ahead of the class meeting every week and prepare half a page of questions and interesting points for discussion; upload these coments by Monday at midnight onto the class wiki; on the proceeding day, select a few of your classmates entries to respond to . Please submit these comments by Tuesday at Midnight.
Some topics to write about:
- what is this week's paradigm of HCI good for? not good for? where will we likely see it, use it?
- what are the hard challenges that have to be overcome to make this paradigm for HCI practical?
- how likely is it that researchers will overcome these challenges?
- what do you like, dislike about this approach? about the papers you read? Include pointers to some other interesting work in this area.
- any other comments; |
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participate actively in the weekly discussions; present 3 papers/systems in class which you have found outside of the class list, bringing your own original contribution to the class discussion. |
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review and present 3 optional papers in class; |
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design 3 original projects (one for each of the class themes) and present these in class on 3/5, 4/16 and 5/14; these projects can be collaborative. |
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complete a 2 page paper for the first two of these projects and submit each paper on the day of the presentation (upload to wiki). The 3rd project will be accompanied by a 4 page paper. |
The class is limited to 18 graduate students based on their interests and backgrounds. Permission from the instructor is required.
Students will be graded based on
(1) the quality and originality of the
3 projects they design and the papers they write about them (50%);
(2) the weekly 1/2 page of questions and comments in reactions to the required readings (30%);
(3) participation in the class discussions (20%).